Fire & Rescue

Ben Sieverding –
The Emergency Services/Fire Science program prepares students to enter the field of emergency services including firefighting and emergency medicine. The course is based on the curriculum from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Areas of study include, but are not limited to; fire attack, search & rescue, water supply, patient care, vehicle extrication, incident command, and technical rescue awareness. Students will experience demanding hands on training experiences in real life settings. The course utilizes the Career Center school grounds, the Versailles Fire Station, and the Versailles Regional Fire Training Facility as an extended lab area.
Dual Credit Institutions

Indiana Mandatory Firefighter, NFPA Firefighter, NFPA Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Hazardous Material Operations, Healthcare Provider CPR, Through FEMA: NIMS 100, NIMS 200, NIMS 700, NIMS 800
Career Paths
Firefighter, EMT