Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Adam Pietrykowski
Assistant Director/Principal
ext. 223
Amy Solly
Student Service Cordinator
Student Services
ext. 227
Andy Cline
School Resource Officer
ext. 256
April Johnson
Director of Adult Education
Adult Education
ext. 253
Ashley Powers
HR/Deputy Treasurer
ext. 222
Ashley Braunagel
Career Coach
Student Services
ext. 236
Ben Sieverding
Emergency Services Instructor
Emergency Services
ext. 232
Casey Jones
Welding II Instructor
ext. 231
Chris Grossman
Health Careers I Instructor
Health Careers
ext. 249
Crystal McClure
Cosmetology II Instructor
ext. 277
Devin Roth
Computer Repair/Networking Instructor
ext. 252
Douglas Bauer
Diesel I Instructor
ext. 229
Dustin Hampton
2nd Shift Custodian
James Bruce
Welding 1 Instructor
ext. 282
Jerry Pflum
Auto Service I Instructor
Auto Service
ext. 279
Jessica McQueen
Veterinary Science II Instructor
ext. 245
Joe Ralston
School Guidance Counselor
Student Services
ext. 265
Katelynn Osman
Capstone Coordinator
Katy Brinson
Central Office Secretary
ext. 288
Keli Miller
Business Manager/Treasurer
ext. 238